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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Xenomorph Facehugger
Xenomorph Facehugger
Mar 22 2021
05:56:55 PM
My male seems to 'like' to do this...

We'll be playing in the glider tent (bed tent used for Sugar Glider play...) and they'll (I have three) climb up and down this Macrame thing hanging from the top of the tent, jumping off from the top some times, and some times it's on my head...

...but my male, Aerrow, likes to go for the face (I end up with tiny little red dots around my face sometimes...). He seems to be REAL good at straddling over my mouth, nose and eyes when he lands... I'm just waiting for the day his tail tries to go down my throat like the Xenomorph Facehugger from the Alien movies , and then I'm going ballistic!

He thinks he's funny
Mar 25 2021
09:28:24 AM
gliderloverforever Glider Visit gliderloverforever's Photo Album USA 141 Posts
Mar 24 2024
08:17:16 PM
BatGirl Glider Visit BatGirl's Photo Album BatGirl's Journal USA 62 Posts
Weirder is that my new male white face, Radarr, does the same thing... so, must be a 'guy' suggie thing?

...they make eye contact then pow!

guys are 'funny'!
Xenomorph Facehugger

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Xenomorph Facehugger