
Subject: Open minds - can't change the world - peace
Posted by Betsycc on May 05, 1998 at 09:54:42:

I seem to have openned a can of worms a few posts back.
Please do not slam each other. We will all, at one time or another, have different opinions.
We can expess our opinions in a friendly manner, not an attackish tone.
It may surprise some of you to learn that you are NOT sugar glider experts. You may be an expert about your OWN glider. No one knows absolutely, positively THE correct answer to every question posted on this board.
It hurts me to see someone say "if you can't take it then don't post". That is such a harsh thing to say. It was directed towards a middle school child. Everyone should feel comfortable posting here.
Do people not remember how nervous they felt when they first considered getting a glider? Or how the felt when they held the glider for the first time and felt a rush of protective love?
This board is to SHARE stories. Stories of things that worked and things that didn't work.
Again, I will say, none of us are experts about other people's gliders, we may have suggestions of what works for our glider(s) and we should share that on this board.
(climbing down off my huge soapbox)

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