
Subject: Now...lets talk..
Posted by Bourbon on February 27, 1999 at 23:31:49:

In Reply to: Message for those that are considering a glider as a pet - not for those that have one.. posted by Chris on February 27, 1999 at 15:33:40:

I just got done reading Chris's post and all the responses to it. And It seems to me that in a sense you all are saying the same thing.. Bear with me on this, I know sometimes I get long winded, but I try to be sure to get my point out. Let us, start with Chris. "Chris came in hear a few days back and stated they were illegal everywhere. But when asked where, he didn't give any answers. So from that posts are we safe to assume this is yet another hoax? Yet another ploy to irrate us and get us off the subject of gliders? Maybe.. But.. What he said in this post, Is the same thing We all have talked about for a long time, Now his delivery may be a little off, but the point is the same. Is he ANTI-Glider for bringing these things to light? I personally think not. Many of the reponses were from people who haven't had their gliders long, or who hasn't seen the neglect, abuse and mistreatment of their "cute" pets. Jane and I have for a long time taken the abuse from people for stressing research first, for stressing the downsides. Does that mean we are any less of a glider lover than anyone else? NO. It just means we love the species so much that maybe we know what is going to happen to many that are bought as a fad pet. SOME gliders DO bite and they bite hard, SOME gliders DON'T tame down. The DO scratch, they are capable of scratching someones eyes out. They CAN be very expensive, Should they be bought as fad pets? absolutly not, as neither should any animal only be bought because it was cute. There are downsides. I see where he was going with his post. and everyone here should as well. If you don't , then why worry how a petshop is mistreating a glider because they don't know how to properly care for them.. It is the same thing. As I said to Chris in a past post that he didn't care to respond to , either publically or privatly. I do however think that he could help those that have already purchased them instead of getting people upset. Many , Many people have downsides listed on their page. Jane's is very up front and solid. I suggest to everyone whether they are only thinking of getting one or just got one to look at that page. For those that already got one, new owners, that page lets them know what they CAN expect. Not all gliders are generic, so some are worse than others.but at least you can be prepared for the worst. I have a problem, with them being shown as sweet cuddly pets, and I think Beverly did a wonderful job with her appearance telling of the downsides. If after knowing the worst, you still think you want a glider. Fine.. go for it. But then you can say you spent the time to research. I see so many people who don't want to take that time to research, only to see them not wanting to take the time necessary to build a relationship with their glider. If someone only has 2 hours to spend.. then they don't need a glider. Gliders are very sociable animals. They are very unique animals with very unique needs. Okay so you didn't know this was going to take so much of your time.. now what? Well If it were a child? what would you do..? Put it up for adoption? I think Not, you would adjust your schedule to accomate the needs of that child. That is the price to pay for not researching. Not everyone can be a glider owner. It takes someone who is willing to accept the bad with the good. Someone willing to make sacrifices.. Someone willing to allow them to be what they are. And accept them for that. Not change their sleeping schedule to match yours. But to sacrifice for them.. I always say.. they have the attention needs of a newborn infant.. Middle of the night feedings.. in the case of a glider it is their playtime. and the personality of a teenager. I have sweet gliders, I have reached plateaus with my glider many could only dream about. But I accomplished that with time.. Time I could have been out dancing, drinking, socializing, and partying. But I assumed a responsibility and for that I was willing to give up anything and everything. If I had to get rid of my glider to move.. I am sorry, I would have to look some place else to live. I agree they are a fad pet. however... In 5 years.. I will still have mine.Chris said the same thing, as they said 5 years ago. Does it make the gliders that we have worked with and dedicated our love, time and energy to any less tame? or any less sweet? NO, but they can be mean. I have seen it. If you don't think yours can , then don't mess with it for a while. as in a teen that is left to feel neglected, they will rebel. They will become agressive. They will die. Next time.. everyone think of the worst person you can going to the petshop and buying a glider for 25.00... thats what is going to happen..That is why we all are against the fad owners. Gliders will be a disposable pet. As with the pot bellied pigs, iguans, ferrets, hedge hogs.. etc.. RESEARCH and don't sugar coat what a person can expect.. I never will.

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