
Subject: Re:thanks Maria......
Posted by Jo on March 22, 1999 at 21:35:41:

In Reply to: Re: living with pairs........ posted by Maria on March 22, 1999 at 09:20:17:

Thanks for your input, we decided to move them back in with us. They seem to be happier there anyways. If my boys can sleep thru a hamster who puts all her food in her ball and runs all night i think they could survive a glider. We have two hamsters and fish tank, dogs and kids. WThank god hubby only hears out of one ear and he usually sleeps on it. LOL

Thanks again....


: If you put them in the kids room, will the kids sleep? Gliders can get pretty noisy at night. When I have mine in the living room, they keep me awake sometimes.

: I'm not sure how stinky the room will get if they play in the same area. I suspect that Bourbon or Jane could give you a much better answer.

: Maria

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