
Subject: update on petstore
Posted by dominic on April 17, 1999 at 20:19:08:

i went back in tonight and talked to the guy that supposedly takes care of the first i played dumb til i realized all the answers he was giving me weren't too accuate ( like house a 45 gallon aquarrium is food is good for a staple diet...stuff like that) then i admitted at knowing alittle more about them and went on to tell him proper minimum cage size and pssible problems with cat which point he got alittle irratated, but i gave him the URL for this site and GLIDER INFO..he seemed pleased of this...then he took the cardboard tunnel they were sleeping in and uncerimiously dumped them tot he bottom of the cage so i could get a look at them...i mentioned one was more brown than grey and when i mentioned this he said it was a wild caught ( question here.......are wild caughts still being imported??/ i thought someone had said they had stopped they do have a breeder here in the state they get them from) he said they were about 6 months old...but when i looked at them ..they seemed big for their age then.....

i'm still going to talk to the state animal protection agent on monday due tot he "cage" they were in didn't look like the shavings on the bottum were changed in at least 3 days...and there was feaces and urine all over the glass on the sides.
any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreiciated.

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