Subject: Re: Bald Spots
Posted by JO on April 25, 1999 at 20:40:40:
In Reply to: Bald Spots posted by Collette on April 24, 1999 at 21:48:30:
Stress can do so really terrible things to your gliders, and hair loss is one of them. I would still suggest that you take her to a vet for external parasite check. Just in case. I think I would beef up her protien levels to help her combat the stress. It really helped when Romeo was sick. I think I would give her a small amount of yogurt to help build up her ammune system too. Just for safety sake..... Hope this helps....
JO : My other female, Boomer, has suddenly become VERY anti-social (to other gliders, she's still sweet to people...) so I moved her out of the big cage and into a smaller temporary cage until we can get something bigger built. She is getting major bald spots - started at the base of her tail, then on her right hip area, and they are just getting bigger and bigger. She eats and drinks well, looks healthy otherwise, nice clear, bright eyes, no nasal discharge, etc etc. My breeder says she is upset and bored at being in the cage alone, so is pulling her hair out. I bought her a hamster ball, since some of you have been having such great luck with them. She HATES it! Maybe because I have tile floors, so she goes awfully fast...
: Anyhow - it IS possible that Puddin' is getting a bald spot - although, how she could pull hair out above her eyes remains a mystery. : Good luck solving it!
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