
Subject: NO MORE LEASHES!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Melissa's Onyx on April 26, 1999 at 12:38:36:

I was one of those who bought a leash for my glider---thinking oh, how cute!!! NOT!!! I tried it once and they hated it--I think the initial shock of having something constricting their movement scared them really bad. Their initial response was to try to get away--by leaping froggy style with as much force and power as they could muster. I knew then it wasn't a good idea. I am sure that with a couple of more tries they would get used to it and not have the scare from initial shock--but still I don't think it's a good idea.
I got an email from my stepmother today with terrible news--my grandmothers adorable black scotty (just like Jock on Lady and the Tramp) was killed this weekend. He was on leash on the front porch and something scared him and he tried to jump off. The leash was too short and it broke his poor little neck. It all happened so fast. It was like he was kept on the porch on leash for any period of time. She had just put him there to go to the car and get something out. It happened that fast. This scared the crap out of me. Gliders are so fragile and little---imagine the possablities of what could happen to them---in an short instant. I will never put my glider on a leash again!!!
I hope my grandma's tragedy opens the eyes of the newer owners, who once like me thought it would be cute to see a glider on a leash.
Melissa's Onyx

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