Subject: Re: What about......
Posted by G. Koller on November 07, 1997 at 09:55:09:
In Reply to: What about...... posted by John on November 05, 1997 at 23:37:00:
: I love to stay up at night alot, and I've been thinking about getting a Sugar Glider for company. The thing is, what happens if your gone for a couple days and leave it alone? Plus I'm going to college next year so how will it react to a changed environment. The longest you can leave a sugar glider alone is twenty-four hours. Beyond that, you better have a baby sitter. Sugar gliders need fresh food and water each day. Fruit has an amazing tendency to spoil quickly if left out longer than overnight. Sugar gliders do not enjoy a change of environment. When we clean our gliders cage (complete washdown), our gliders take the next day or two trying to get used to it again by being stressed, scared, losing their appetite, etc. A big move to "college town" could be detrimental to a glider. Especially if you are living in a noisy dorm or frat house. Gliders like it quiet and dark. They are definitely an awesome pet for keeping one company, but they require a lot of time and effort, maybe a bit more than a college student can devote.
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