
Subject: Re: Responsibility yes but understand....
Posted by Jane on May 18, 1999 at 10:08:14:

In Reply to: Responsibility yes but understand.... posted by Anne-the one selling the gliders on May 17, 1999 at 22:46:42:

Anne, the post was not meant soley for you. look down the board there are many others. One swallow doesnt make a summer. It is the general trend that is disappointing. Have you considered asking someone to look after your glider temporarily for a year. Perhaps someone who wants to go to school in a year but is desperate for a glider. However we were not blasting you personally but actually asking people looking for gliders to take peopl's stories as a cautionary note.
and I hope your Dad gets better soon.
: To all:

: Please do not take this response negatively becuae I wholely understand what you are saying and agree with you. I feel like expressing my side though.

: Before I ever obtained my first glider I considered these arguments. I knew that I would be leaving for college in a year and had worked out all the issues with perhaps owning a glider. This is what was supposed to be:
: We own a house where I'm going to be attending school. I was going to live in the house and take my gliders with me. No problem except the school then stated that I had to live on campus my first year. The result of that was that my father would care for my babe for the 2 semesters that I would be away. After hearing that I would be absent for awhile I decided to purchase a glider from an friends friend so that in my absence my glider would have company. I even went as far as checking with my local pet store on their experience on gliders and finding out that they would board it for days to a week if I would be out of town with family. I had that all covered.

: Now things have unexpectidly happened.

: I was given an internship of a lifetime that I would be crazy to turn down. The internship entails that I move away from home this summe. In addition to that, my father has been having some heart problems. I then made the decision to sell my gliders to try to lessen the load on my dad. I dont wnat him haveing additional stress. I'm sorry but I jsut felt violated becuase I HAD everything figured out and things happen out of your controll sometimes.

: I am also not advertising through papers and such because I want a good home for my babies. I tried thsi board because I figured at least people here are interested in learning about gliders. Well thats all I have to say. I hope no one took offense, it wasnt ment that way.

: Anne

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