
Subject: Re: Survey... PLEASE respond
Posted by Bourbon on May 13, 1998 at 01:04:17:

In Reply to: Survey... PLEASE respond posted by Brenda on May 10, 1998 at 16:53:58:

Hi Brenda,

I want to tell you your glider with be the most unique pet you will ever own. I have two and I wouldn't trade mine for the world. The have very 2 distintive personalities. 1 is the most docile precious baby I have ever seen, she is spoiled and she spoiles me. the other is as rambuntious as they come and was the hardest of the 2 to bond with (It took 4 months). Most of those that responded are telling you how they NOW feel about their gliders. If facts be known some had real hard times getting to where they are. Having a glider requires a lot of work, patience, and perserverence. Gliders are much like 2 year old kids.. and I know that you have seen them, some are as sweet as can be and cuter than a dickens, others are like real total .. well you know what I mean.. the kind that after a while you think "thank God they belong to someone else".. I whole heartely suggest you study up on them read from the begining with ALL of the post on as many message bases that you can. This is a very good one. You will see what some people had to go through and some ideas and suggestions that work for others. As you will see some had no problem and bonded well with their gliders, other problems in bonding included biting, not all do but some nip, some bite to draw blood. Some rejects their owners untill they are ready to bond. Others think the world of you from the word get go. I would love to tell you it is the best decision you have ever made.. But I see too many people think all the good things and fail to learn about the downsides. When someone said about late hours and playtime they were absolutely right.. Sometime the gliders wake up early to play others don't think their gliders play at all. You have to ask your self if YOU are ready for the responsibility that is associated with owning a glider. There will be times when you must sacrifice for them, if you want to take off for a couple of weeks are you prepared for maybe having to say no or maybe finding someone who could stay with them or taking them with you. They not only love attention they will demand it. I have seen too many people buy them and later on say too much trouble, I don't have the time or see the gliders never taken from their cage when the newness wears off. If you look at this as a newborn infant that needs your attention EVERYDAY and the time that it takes to bond.. (ranges vary from no time at all to sometimes never really bonding).How long it takes to prepare their food, or cost when it is time to take it to the vet, in some cases even finding a vet. You have to ask your self are you mentally prepared if he does like you.. If after reading all you can find you still decide thats what you want, I wish you all the good luck in the world. Should you get to the point where you bond with your baby, you will have one of the finest pets I have ever known. Please and I cannot stress this enough Please research....Please look within your self and ask your self are you prepared to do this for 8-15 years..If you have any questions feel free to ask.. this board is very inforative and filled with owners that would love to help someone who is in need of ideas or suggestions.

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