
Subject: Re: Breeder anywhere?
Posted by Pat on May 22, 1999 at 05:20:30:

In Reply to: Breeder anywhere? posted by Mandy on May 14, 1999 at 13:05:25:

Hello...I am a new breeder in Oregon. Southern side of the
state.Email me and we can talk. :o)

: I know I have seen posts asking the same question in previous weeks throughout the net, but is there anyone out there that knows of a breeder in Oregon?

: I found one so far(breeder), but I would like to look around and make sure that the Sugar Glider I purchase will be the right choice for the next 15 years:)...
: It seems odd to me that in a state where there are no banning laws regarding the species, there is only one person with Sugars:) I know they are exotic, they are wonderful,:) but it seems other states (Texas, Florida, etc)have a much greater advantage..I guess Sugars haven't been introduced as flourishingly in the West. In any case-
: Thanks for any help you can lend:)
: Mandy

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