
Subject: Re: it is eating and drinking now
Posted by Diana on May 23, 1999 at 04:18:43:

In Reply to: it is eating and drinking now posted by Tami on May 19, 1999 at 20:18:53:

Tami, how attached to this little one are you ? Are you pre-pared to do all that it may need to live? If yes, and I think it is. :>} Do the same research that you did with gliders. If not then try your best to get it healthy and let it go. If it comes back again in a few weeks, it's yours. Do you want to keep it if it chooses to keep you? If not then call upon the wild animal support in your state, but be forwarned that they may just concider your fefugee as a vermine and there fore not worthy of their help. What then? You and I both know the answer to that, you'll keep him, won't you? You big softy you! Good luck and chipmunk dreams to you. Diana

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