Subject: Re: food and supplements Posted by Bourbon on May 25, 1999 at 17:25:34: In Reply to: food and supplements posted by Mandy and Pele on May 24, 1999 at 18:40:24: : I am getting really confused as to how much food, and what food to give my glider- here are a few questions off the top of my head... THIS WILL ALWAYS BE A CONFUSING SUBJECT : * How much food? (I have heard a cup a night, 25% protein and 75% fruits and vegetables) But that is huge! Yes that does sound huge but they pick at it through most of the night, they don't eat it at one sitting. Think about it this way, Look at the size of you lunch and 5 hours later the size of your dinner plus all the snackin in between. If offered at one sitting it may seem very large portioned. : * If I make (Protein) chicken, the Caroline MacPherson book I have says that it doesn't have enough calcium (calcium/phosphorus) ratio, and to add either nonfat natural yogurt or cottage cheese, etc. But how much for one glider and how often? I spoke with Carolyn about this as well. She told me to be sure to give them yoguart a few times a week as well. to be sure it is maintained. : * How often, and how much supplements do you give one seemingly healthy glider a week? That depends on the foods you feed them as well as how you suppliment them, Some don't use suppliments at all , they are veryt sure they are feeding the right foods. I myself feed the leadbeaters which has the suppliments mixed throughout it. : * I found a supplement that sounds like the "Rep-Cal with D3" : that people have been tlaking about, but it is "Reptocal" and it has (I think) A B C $ D this right? Rep-TO-Cal and REPCAL are 2 different things. Repcal is phosphourus free, the phosphorus reduces the absorbtion of calcium. So in actuality the REP-TO-Cal kinda defeats the purpose since it does have Phosphorus in it.
: * or until Glider-aide shows up (once I order it) what should I use in it's stead? Can she do without for a little while? : * She has been raised on cat food *growls* Is it wrong to suddenly switch her to fresh foods? A glider shouldn't have any problem switching to fresh foods, however any change in a diet will cause stress, It just depends on how you do it, Start adding fresh foods to their regular diet. The absense of the glideraid shouldn't be too much of a problem.. : * Lead-beaters formula, how much a night, and is this the full meal or do you add fruits and vegetable to it? much of each? The leadbeaters is a balanced diet, but you also need to add the fresh foods as well. Leadbeaters offer variety, ease of feeding, and balance I usually offer mine 2 tablespoons of beaters with a couple table spoons of fresh veggies.. : Thank you for all of your help and support...:) Wouldn't it be lovely if books were more specific?:) Yes but if you read the archives most people don't want specifics.. : Mandy and Pele Good luck
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