Subject: Concers to those w/gliders who are thinking of "rescueing" more... and my "story" ( long post )
Posted by CandiMI on May 28, 1999 at 17:16:07:
I've been contemplating writing this post for the past few days, going back and forth if it would be helpful or misunderstood. Let me explain... I am new to the world of owning sugargliders, but for those of you who know my "story" you know that I'm gaining more and more experience by the hour it seems, and that I love my gliders all very much... right now I'm sitting here typing with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and tears in my eyes because I realize I'm in over my head.... I have 9 gliders, I feel broken hearted over my two sick baby joeys, I worry because I don't spend enough time with the two healthy ones who need to bond, I feel guilty because I dont spend the time with my original untame trio that I used to, and I feel neglectful towards my newest "rescue/purchase" pair who so crave attention and love. If I can save anyone from feeling this way then its worth risking being misunderstood. My "story": I feel inlove with gliders yrs ago when I was too young and too busy, not to mention broke to get any... years later after graduating college I decided to look into them again, my intention was to get two tame females to raise as my close pets... finding a breeder in my area was almost impossible, the prices were outrageous... I was contacted with the prospect of 3 nontame, but not wild adults... who were breeding along with a large cage for $500... alot of money to me, but worth the investment considering to me I could have a baby or two... then sell the adults or just have the male fixed and keep a small family... how nieve I was! When I got them I fell inlove, maybe I couldn't hold them but I worked long and hard to be able to play w/ them in the cage and pet them... even got the youngest female tame enough to sleep in a pocket and race around my back.... then they got pregnant, I was besides myself with worry and happy antisipation... the more time I spent looking at them the more I loved gliders and longed for tame ones... then I started reading the postings on unwanted/neglected etc gliders... I felt sick for them and decided " hey its not that hard taking care of them once you get used to preparing the food everyday, I can get my other cage fixed up and rescuse some! The cage ended up costing alot to fix up and outfit... them my two rescues came along... at "reasonable" prices, I figured I could afford them and I felt good knowing they would have a safe happy home... not to mention they were both young and tame. When I first got them home I was thrilled, they wanted to come out and play, I could hold them and pet them... and one more cage to clean and two more mouths to feed wasn't that bad... then the babies were born... I never even thought about the possiblity of any being sick and needing around the clock feedings, plus I hadn't thought of time management... everyone knows the general rule " at least a couple hours a day bonding with your gliders" well before I was lucky if my semitame trio would "play" with me for an hour, I didn't factor in the time the new pair would require... or the longer amount the babies would need to become bonded and tame, and definately not the feeding every two hours for sick babies... now here I am with 9 gliders all who need at least a couple hours a day, I am not married nor do I have a family... but I work full time, I am 24 and trying to date and have friends... and even w/o these things there simply aren't enough hours in the day to give all my gliders the attention they DESERVE! I feel terrible, maybe I know they are being properally housed and feed... but I feel so neglectful over their bonding time with me... I want desperately to find a safe happy home for either the new pair or two of my original trio ( I will forever keep the mother who had the sick babies and both her girls if they make it, I refuse to risk anyone ever letting them breed ) but I cant find a suitible home for either pair, even asking an amount that is a loss of money to me hasn't helped, and I'm hesitant to go lower or free because they could just end up with someone else unprepared for them who "saw a deal". They are mine now, all 9 at least until or if I find a home for some and I've accepted that and I'm doing my best to care for them all.... but my life revolves around them now... I have to be home by 9 because they are hungry, I have to feed the sick ones every two hours or arrange for someone to, my room not only looks like a zoo exhibit but also sounds, and SMELLS like one also... when I'm home I have to have someone in the pouch with me at all times, I have to stay up late at night so they can spend some awake time with me, no dates want to come over because they smell, or they are up all nite and loud ( men grrr ), I always intended to goto CA for grad school... but gliders are illegal there.. sneaking in one or two is one thing, but no way would I risk this now I'm looking for schools not based on quality, but if they are in a glider friendly state, and I have to look into this little dying babies eyes and feel heartbroken because I can't do more.... Please understand I'm NOT trying to discourage anyone from adopting/rescueing etc more gliders... infact I commend you for willing to open your homes and hearts to these little dears, and I'm sure if you have a pair who aren't breeding and get another one or two who also aren't breeding you'll do just fine, but those who are new to gliders like I was... are thinking of breeding "just once" and now also offering to rescue.. PLEASE think carefully of all the things that could go wrong, please consider the time and money involved... remember most adults wont get you'll need seperate cages and bonding/playing times if they wont... just dont find yourself in my situation where you worry night and day about your babies... and dont count on being able to find someone to purchase your "excess" gliders, or rescues thinking " I can just find them a home myself and until then they will be safe" because many times you can't! I'm going to keep trying and also find a vet to get these guys fixed!!! Use my advice and story as you will... and if you know of anyone in MI with experience and love.... please keep me in mind! Thank you for reading.... much love and very sincerely, Candi and the critter crew: Sassy & her sick twins, Bumble & her big twins, Max the daddy, Wizzer & Geo my young pair
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