
Subject: Re: HELP! Sick Glider!!!!
Posted by Jo on June 07, 1999 at 09:32:42:

In Reply to: HELP! Sick Glider!!!! posted by b-low on June 06, 1999 at 23:21:57:

I would have to advise you get him to a vets asap. I too have a pair of gliders, where the male had the same problem. The vet gave him steriods to make him feel better and calcium with Vit D3 shots. Plus a solution to take by mouth. We also discovered, that he was not getting enough protien. What I did was giive hiim three full days of nothing but protiens. The first thing you need to do is get him to a vet ASAP. Gliders do not show signs of illness until they are really sick. so get him there asap. Also, in the aquarium tank, you will need to put in a heating pad. Put it under the outside of the tank, only under half of it. That way he will be able to move if he gets too warm. All of these things are just quick fixes, you need to get him under a vets care ASAP.
My female was also preggers at the same time. Eventually the joey just diappeared. I would try not to stress her out and more than necessary. Also I would up her proteins, to 50% of here diet, 3 days of protien shouldn't hurt her either. You can give her things like, chicken , turkey, gr. beef (low fat), cottage cheese, yogurt, pork, (no ham). You can give them baby foods if necessary, just look for the plain meats, like veal or chicken, or turkey, they have higher amounts of protiens. If he is having trouble eatng,they may be easier for him to eat. You may have to use a syringe, or let him lick it off your finger like we did.

Also, you can read, exactly what happened to Romeo and what we went through. here's the URL
If you need anything else, please feel free to email me.


: I have had my adult male now for a year and a half I have sucessfully bred him and he is happy healthy glider.

: now hes stopped eating as much as he would and hes having a difficult time getting around.
: Im assuming he has calcium diffcientcy. But my feamle glider would have got it before him since she is having babies ( which are healthly also)
: I put in a aquarium for he doesnt break his bones in case he does have calcium diffciency. But I doubt this the case. Any information on what this could be and what to do to treat it would be greatly appreciated.

: peace out,
: B- low

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