
Subject: Re: Good News Hes all good now!
Posted by B-low-zero on June 07, 1999 at 23:30:21:

In Reply to: Re: HELP! Sick Glider!!!! posted by Patty on June 07, 1999 at 02:09:19:

: I wouldn't take any chances or guesses!! Take your fellow to the vet right away!


: : I have had my adult male now for a year and a half I have sucessfully bred him and he is happy healthy glider.

: : now hes stopped eating as much as he would and hes having a difficult time getting around.

: : Im assuming he has calcium diffcientcy. But my feamle glider would have got it before him since she is having babies ( which are healthly also)

: : I put in a aquarium for he doesnt break his bones in case he does have calcium diffciency. But I doubt this the case. Any information on what this could be and what to do to treat it would be greatly appreciated.

: : peace out,

: : B- low

: :

His first nite in the aqurium must have been too much for him. Becuase this morning I was awankened by my mother and shes starting sayin one of my gliders was out (she says it to make get out of bed for school) so I was like whatever mom. Then I looked over by my glider cage. Then theres my so called sick glider climbing on the outside of my glider cage trying to find a way in so he can back and join the other two. I never thaught he would any kind of strenght to climb out of that tall ass aquarium then manage to the other when. I thaught for sure he would be dead by morning.

I guess not Maybe he just got hold of bad piece of fruit somthin I dont know. But hes jumpin around and having alot of energy and eating the hes supposed to now. I now hope he get sick again Thank you for your advice anywayz but i'll remember the advice just in case. But im pretty confident in his health now.



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