
Subject: Sick Glider...Again
Posted by Elvira on June 13, 1999 at 16:26:53:

I'm posting this again because no one responded below and I am desperate. Elvira has not eaten very much at all since Thursday night. I am bottle feeding her baby formula because she loves it and it is all I can get her to eat right now. She does not have any other symptoms except that she is not eating. The only physical difference is that her rear end is wet like she is urinating on herself without bothering to get out of her pouch first.

Any advice or opinions would be appreciated. I called the breeder that I got Elvira from and she said she probably just ate something that didn't agree with her and that she will hopefully get better on her own. How long can she go without eating though? I am bottle feeding every 4 hours, and she is doing pretty good with that.

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