Subject: HEY GUYS! KITS DOIN GREAT! Posted by Julie and Kit on June 18, 1999 at 13:43:29:
hey guys guess what kit's doin great i am really close to her now and she trusts me with her life i can tell. I wish she had a mate but i don't have that much money. Anyway i can tell she trusts me with her life because when i take her out sometimes she won't even run around she'll just sit on my shoulder or on my tummy and I'll just pet her for awhile but I think after awhile she gets bored because she jumps on the curtain and starts to run around. I see a lot of the people here that i saw when i used to post here like all the time. so anyway I've had kit since about aug. 22nd so i've had her for about 10 months now. ANd let me tell you kit is like my baby I feed her play with her tend to her needs and everything and I don't know what i would do without her. BYE ALL!
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