
Subject: Re: My glider seems depressed
Posted by Kembar on June 25, 1999 at 22:30:44:

In Reply to: My glider seems depressed posted by Elizabeth on June 25, 1999 at 19:33:33:

Try spendign a bit more *special* time with the glider you think is depressed. Take her out of the cage first(at night) and play with her for awhile. Take her with you on little trips(liek to the store(this is of course, if you have her pocket trained) See if that makes a difference :)

: I have two female gliders, one I've had a year and the other about six months. They used to both be very energetic and would run all over their cage and me at night; lately, one has seemed kind of "down." She just sits there or goes back into their nest while her "sister" plays. She also gets food stolen from her by the other glider a lot and doesn't seem to be able to get it back. Sometimes I think she's sick but sometimes I think maybe it's just a dominance thing between the two of them. They have plenty of space and they both seem to be eating normally. Anybody have any ideas?

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