
Subject: Re: diet questions
Posted by Clara on June 30, 1999 at 17:34:19:

In Reply to: diet questions posted by Bec on June 29, 1999 at 23:40:19:

: I am alittle confused about rep-cal, repti-vit(sp?),lory nector, Glider-aide. Which serve the same purpose? I am currently feeding Brisky's pellets for gliders, a variety of fruits and vegetables sprinkled with lory nector and have been told that I need rep-cal also to insure that he does not get a calcium deficiency. Thanks in advance for any help. I'm new and trying to do what is best.

Rep Cal is a calcium supplement. It only contains calcium and Vitamin D3
Reptivite is a multivitamin for reptiles. I am not sure what it contains or if its even safe to give to gliders.
Lory nectar and Gliderade are essentially the same thing - a replacement for the nectar and sap sugar gliders eat in the wild.

If you are feeding fruits and vegetables with Brisky's you also need to add more protein so it equals to 25% of the total diet. The easiest way to figure this out is to ignore the Brisky's and add 25% protein in relation to how much fruits and veggies you are giving.
You need to be careful if you are going to add a calcium supplement to their diet, too much can be worse than too little. A TINY pinch once or twice a week is sufficient.


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