Subject: Re: Barking noises???
Posted by Lisa on July 01, 1999 at 10:11:35:
In Reply to: Barking noises??? posted by Elizabeth on June 30, 1999 at 23:30:07:
Elizabeth, Do you have just one glider? Mine make all sorts of sounds at one another while they are all curled up in their nest box. And is it barking or a kind of "clicking" sound? Mine only actually "bark" when they want me, one another or are afraid of something. The clicking sound accompanies sleep alot or just times of contentment. Listen closely and make sure it's not a coughing or sneezing sound, that might be a cold. Also, as far as the cool whip goes, if she is using it for something for the glider to lick off of her finger, she could use honey or something natural instead. The cool whip has refined sugar and probably too much fat especially if she gives him alot. When my glider is sleeping she makes these little barking noises what does it mean when she does and is it normal? Another thing- my friend has been feeding her glider Cool Whip and I told her it may not be very healthy yet she refuses to listen. Is it ok for her to feed him that??
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