
Subject: Re: What should i do ? Please help !!!
Posted by April on May 20, 1998 at 07:14:59:

In Reply to: What should i do ? Please help !!! posted by MATT on May 19, 1998 at 20:33:32:

What happens if you get a pair that no longer can produce joeys? or if you get a same sex pair? (because you nake this sound like this is your first pair, maybe you can't tell between sexs yet? or what if the male has been nutered already? Many questions go through my mind when I read your post. I think you should get a baby from the start. A baby will bond to you if given lots of love and patience.Just make sure it is a baby.I have seen many pet stores sell adults off as babies.Good luck with what ever you decide to do.
April and baby Noe

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