
Subject: The one I use
Posted by Bourbon on July 13, 1999 at 21:33:29:

In Reply to: lead beaters posted by steve on July 13, 1999 at 12:58:48:

My Modified Version of Leadbeaters

1 4oz bottle Gerber juice with yogurt (Mixed Fruit or Bannana)
both have yogurt mixed in

1/2 cup Honey

1 egg with shell (boiled or scrambled) (I Hard Boil Mine)

1/2 cup high protein baby cereal (I use rice with fruit bits)

2 teaspoons RepCal non-phosphorus with vit D3 in it. Pink and
white jar (my petstore ordered it for me)

1/4 cup Wheat Germ

2 2 1/2 oz jars of Stage 2 Heinz chicken baby food

mix it well in a blender, freeze in a tupperware bowl, or pour
into an ice cube tray. 1 tablespoon per glider each night. It will
freeze the consistancy of ice cream. If they eat it all the first night
add a little more the next night till they leave only a little bit. This
will feed 2 gliders for approximately1 month. After I spoon it
into their bowl, I will mix in a few frozen veggies.. corn, peas,
carrots. etc. In a side bowl offer other fruits and veggies. etc..
Also feed mealworms, crickets, moths . Mine won't eat the pinky
mice, But if it is a bug.. Look out..Not too many of the
mealworms though they are high in fat. If it moves, try it. In the
summer the fav is man'o wars or skeeter eaters.. whichever
people call them they look like giant mesquitos and june bugs.

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