
Subject: Re: Roll call...
Posted by mrglider on July 14, 1999 at 00:45:14:

In Reply to: Roll call... posted by Ms. Shell on July 13, 1999 at 20:23:50:

: I was just over at Acme Exotic page, and they were doing a little roll call. Like Cheri said, there are alot of new "faces" here, and I thought it would be fun if we all introduced ourselves and told a bit about our gliders! :)
: I am 27, female, living in Utah with my hubby and three kids, two gliders, and two cats. Next?

I am old enough to know better but too hard-headed to stop.(:>)
I have 5 children ages 15,10,6,and 19 month old twin boys that i named the same.
I have a small zoo including sugargliders,hedgehogs,pygmymice,zebramice,degus,rats,mice,gerbils,grass squirrels,a chipmunk
and lots of dogs including chihuahuas,pomeranians,rat terriers,boston terriers,min-pins,and a rottweiler.My life is spent playing with kids and critters.
Its a lifelong dream come true even though it takes about 14-16 hours a day of work its better than the oil-feild where i would hardly spend any time with my kids.
AND i'm married to my soul mate.

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