
Subject: Re: sugarglider
Posted by Anna on July 27, 1999 at 13:00:56:

In Reply to: Re: sugarglider posted by Thresa on October 17, 1997 at 18:25:42:

: : : recieved a pair of femle gliders,age 7 can i get them to bond to me? is it possible?

: : Refer to the reply given by THRESA on 10/10/97 regarding
: : sugargliders and biting. This is the best method in getting
: : a glider to bond.

: : You most definitely can get them to bond with you, just be
: : patient and loving, they will come around.

: Alot of time and patience. Don't give up. Also check out the links page located in this site. There's some very useful information here.

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