
Subject: Re: Restroom
Posted by Tiffany on May 25, 1998 at 11:14:32:

In Reply to: Restroom posted by McTwist on May 25, 1998 at 09:15:24:

My glider is potty trained. I started with her when she was first away from her mom (as in, the breeder took her from her mom and gave her to me.) Each time she started stirring around in my pocket, I would set her on a newspaper and at first she just tried to run away. I kept gently setting her back on the paper until she pottied, then finally she kind of figured out what to do. Now when she has to go, she will squirm or even crab. She will immediately go on the paper. Also, after a long nap, I still leave her on the paper until she goes.
My sister has a glider and has solved the problem a different way. The breeder told her to gently stimulate the glider's opening with a very soft cloth - about 2 minutes later, the glider potties.
I don't want to mislead you - both still have accidents and my SG seems to have more accidents if she is frightened (ex: being held by someone new.) She will ALMOST never go on me, though. Mine was easy to train and wouldn't wet or mess me from the time she was tiny - my sister's was a much harder struggle.
Hope all this long ramble helps! Good luck!
Tiffany :)

: Is there any way that you can potty train your SG? I have heard someone say that you could but I'm not sure if it is true.

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