
Subject: Re: leashes
Posted by Thresa on June 13, 1998 at 08:31:53:

In Reply to: leashes posted by Mike Byfield on June 09, 1998 at 00:50:26:

I tried a couple different type leashes and found them to be more hassle than anything. The glider will stay in a pocket or pouch with no need for a leash. Being nocturnal, he'd rather be snuggly sleeping than running around on a leash.

: Hi

: We bought a hamster-type leash for Popocatapetl (It's a Mexican volcano - he pees). This model, made by Hagen, nooses round the neck and buckles round the chest behind the front legs. It''s hard to fiddle with the buckle and Popo bites while we try, which he normally doesn't do. Also, the second time we did get it on, he slipped out, in the car thank goodness but it scared us. It just wasn't tight enough, I guess.
: Has anyone got any first-hand advice? In particular, does anyone have experience with a reluctant glider and a leash that proved more suitable?

: Thanks

: Mike Byfield

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