
Subject: Stop using pudding!!
Posted by Devotchka on June 14, 1998 at 03:49:07:

I received this message after sending one of my own asking about a few things, including the use of pudding. I thought that I would post it here so you could benefit from the message as well.

Good Lord! Whoever told you to feed her pudding? Sugar gliders should
not have dairy or sugar. They are lactose intolerant and processed
sugar is bad for them. For a treat try Delicious apples. They are
a sweet type of apple. Or give her a cricket. They are much lower
in fat than meal worms

I'm a breeder in Minnesota. Everything that has been written recently
has stressed a non dairy diet. It's OK to give em a littel Lactaid
Yoguart once a week. The lactose has been removed. Once a month
a sugar cube is OK. The main diet should be fresh fruit and veggies
with mealworms and crickets for protein. Lately some people have been
using Tofu in place of worms because there is no fat but it is high
in protein. Also, you should be using Chaparral (Glider Booster)
and Rep-Cal/D-3. The first should be sprinkled on there food lightly
every night and the later 2 times a wk.

It is a known fact that sugar gliders get catarcas from lactose.

As for the biting, tons of patience and petting . When she bites
hiss at her or try blowing on her. Consistency pay off the best.

Sherry Morse

Exclusively Sugar Gliders
Silver Lake, MN

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