Message: In Reply to: Brisky's posted by Kevin on June 13, 1998 at 11:55:39: The topic of Brisky's came up a month or so ago, and when I asked, the people who had bad experiences wrote to me. My Foster had the same problem. I tried to convert him to Brisky's (he likes it well enough) but he became extremely hyperactive and would spend long periods staring off into space. Many other people wrote to me noticing the same symptoms. Brisky's is a perfectly balanced, nutritionally-sound food, but we all concluded that we would not recommend it as their main diet, but only as a supplement. It seems to change some gliders personalities, and cause agressivness. I hope you have better luck with it than we did. Foster still eats it as a supplement to his fresh fruit, and he is growing well and happy. Kim
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