Subject: Beat the Heat?
Posted by Xay on June 18, 1998 at 20:05:31:
Hi, I really want to get a second glider, and I plan to, soon. So what's stopping me. Well, I'm discouraged about how HOTT it has been in Austin, TX. For the past days, the temperature has beat record highs of over 100 and even 105 degrees. Now, I know my new baby glider needs to be on me during most of the day for the first couple of weeks, in order to possibly get a strong bond. But that would seem impossible due to the summer heat. Seeing how I go to campus every day from 10am to 5pm, it gets very hot walking to classes. I can't even imagine how hot it would be in my pocket where my new baby would be sleeping. I can see him now, all wet faced from sweating and salivating on himself to keep cool. I've actually seen this with my present female when I take her outside. What to do, what to do? The only days I can carry the new SG would be on the weekends, but I'd have to stay indoor if it's too hot. I think that ideally I should wait to get that second glider in the fall when the weather is much cooler. In the meantime I have this new and bigger cage with a female glider that I know would appreciate a playmate. If I went ahead and get that new SG, then the only time for her to be on my person is after 5pm weekdays and all day weekends. I can't be sure how the bonding would progress, but it might be slower than usual. So what do you think? Please give me your opinion on my situation. Since some believe that you can still have a strong bond without pocket training; do I have other options? All responses are greatly appreciated. Don't hold back, and if you feel that you opinion shouldn't be publicized, then feel free to email me. Austin, TX glider, Xay
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