
Subject: Glider noises
Posted by Diana on June 20, 1998 at 18:51:24:

I'm a bit concerned about the noises that my friends make. Lily our girl, makes this noise that sounds like a sneeze folloed by a yip. She does this whenever Griz our bot, grabs her and keeps her from what she wants to do or see. She also does this at night when thay are in thier sleeping bag. I thought that maybe he was bugging her so I took her out of the big cage and put her in the cage that she was used to but she goes to the side of the cage where she can see Griz and pines for him. He at the same time make another wierd noise, it sounds like a cough/wheeze and then he clicks his teeth. Lily also sometimes clicks her teeth as well. Any reply would be welcome. Please! Glider love and nibbles, Diana

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