Message: In Reply to: Professional Pictures? posted by Kayci on June 29, 1998 at 16:16:24: : Hi, I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten their glider's picture taken professionally, I wanted to take Yoshi to get one taken but I am afraid the bright flash would hurt him...any help would be appreciated. Kayci, I am a professional photographer and take pictures of my glider all of the time. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 1) the flash won't hurt him, but he certainly will not like it. Load him up with treats to keep him as happy and calm as possible. 2) Try to find a photographer who will do outdoor shots (depending on how tame Yoshi is) and then no flash will be needed. 3) Finally, make sure they understand that you just want a short sitting, and no more than one roll of film, so plan their shots carefully. Explain to the photographer that Yoshi is nocturnal, so the fewer flashes the better. You will probably have to have some pictures taken with treat in hand... that's the only way I can ever get my Foster to sit still. Best of luck! Kim P.S. Where are you?
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