Subject: Re: Teens Make GREAT Glider Owners ~ My Story (long)
Posted by Bourbon on July 02, 1998 at 00:12:38:
In Reply to: Teens Make GREAT Glider Owners ~ My Story (long) posted by Jessica Roo The Loved Sugar Glider Who Has A Great Home on July 01, 1998 at 11:42:33:
Jess, We all know YOU are a great glider "MOM". You did what was really best for "ROO" you research and researched. The post that has all of the teens angy is the post for Craig. If you go back and read when he first was wondering whether to get one or not, you will see what started all this,(SUgar gliders, should I get one? - Craig 20:09:33 6/15/98 (7) ), then he wanted us to convince his parents. (How do I convince my parents - Craig 19:36:49 6/28/98 (4) )All we were telling him was to take things into consideration. You know it doesn't take much to be a pal, But it takes someone "special to be a mom" You and Tara as well as Others have taken the time, energy and effort to see that you are prepared for your babies. Just like it takes time, energy and effort to take care of them. You have read the horror posts as well as everyone else. Not just teens, I am on a crusade to try to have people research and be prepared for what they may expect. I know it may be an endless job, It just happened to be he was a teen. Cat wrote in asking about the upsides and downsides. When I answered her posts I gave her things that a teen should consider. Again This was not directed at teens. There are some adults out there, under the same post I and others would have reacted the same way..You whom also cares about the welfare of sugar gliders, how would you have reacted? What would you have done different? YOU are responsible, and NO WHERE did anyone say all teens were irresponsible or that a teen wouldn't make a good parent for a glider. YOU have done a great job.. : Okay, I am a teen, I am 13. And I would like to say that one day, before I had even know about gliders, I was walking around in a bookstore, saw a exotic pet magazine, picked it up and flipped the pages, and right there staring at me was this weird little animal called a sugar glider. I didnt know what to make of it, but from the very first moment I knew I needed to get one, but my chances werent very good with my parents, but I would prove that I could do it. So, first thing I did was go on the Internet and look up Sugar Gliders, I read and printed every available thing on sugar gliders, good and bad. Then I memerized it. I found and read every single conversation. When I finally had the guts to ask my parents, it had been 5 months since I saw that magazine. They first said, well, wel'l think about it, which usually means no. Then they saw the price and they said no. So, I said I will pay for it, and they said you have to prove to us first that you know everything about it. So my dad quized me about gliders when he got the chance. And I kept researching, I talked to breeders and other owners. By now it was about 1 year after looking at the magazine. Everyday I was at the Library online looking at glider stuff. I wrote down catalogs and breeders, so I would get all the right stuff. I planned how I would take care of my little baby, and I spent hours at a time thinking of names. This will be long if I dont skip a part of it, so, after about 6 months, we started searching for breeders to get one from, we finally found a breeder in New Jersey, and talked to her and set up a time to go get the glider, but it kept being cancled, and by the time I fianally got my glider, it had been 2 years from that one day in the bookstore. So, the moral to this story is, that teens, even 13 year olds, if they are devoted to getting a glider, realy can learn everything, and anything, and can be responcible owners, and give their gliders great home. But no matter how much you research, and how long you do, there is always more to learn, and I learn more everyday, mostly from you people and the glider that I have. This proves how much I wanted a glider, and how much I learned to prove to my parents that I could be a great glider owner. And I did it, it took me 2 years, but I finally did it, and I am happy that I did, because now I know what to do in bad situations. So, finally, before somebody here critizises a teen for wanting a glider, think that teens can be responcibe and loving owners just as well ad adults can. : ~Jessica Bruen
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