
Subject: Re: glideritis
Posted by Bourbon on October 01, 1999 at 12:33:49 from

In Reply to: glideritis posted by ron on October 01, 1999 at 07:34:01:

no cure, no treatment.. we hope.. It is when everything you do, say and think is about gliders.. when every waking monent is spent thinking of something to do with your gliders.. for instance..
you know when you have gliderititis when...
your fridge starts looking like a supermarket..
when you bend down and grab your breast even if your glider isn't there.
when your living room begins to look like a zoo with ropes hanging from the ceitling
when you go to a restaraunt and everyone looks at you cause your breast is moving.
when you refuse to visit friends or family that don't allow your gliders in their home.
when you notice over the years, that your christmas list is mainly glider toys..
when everytime you go shopping you see a possibility in everything being an item for your glider, toy, pouch etc..
when all your shirts have turned into pocketed shirts..

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