
Subject: Re: My glider and his new friend
Posted by T.J. on October 11, 1999 at 21:51:30 from

In Reply to: My glider and his new friend posted by Dana on October 11, 1999 at 20:45:59:

Hi Dana, I just went thru introducing my male to a female, a little different situation than yours, but mike is right about the new cage. My male would not accept the female in his cage at all, they would sleep fine in there during the day but at night he acted like he was trying to kill her. We had to build a new cage and put all new acessories in it.In my opinion it would be a bad idea just to put them both in the closet and leave them. During the introduction process you should put their cages side by side and let them get use to each other being there and also switch their pouch or nestbox which ever you use to let them get use to each others should do that for a couple of weeks and then start introducing them in neutral territory and see how it goes.I don't think that it would be possible to get all of his scent out of the closet. I am not really familiar with keeping to males together but i would think they could be housed together as long as no female was introduced later on. Good Luck! (T.J.)

: We have a 1 1/2 yr. old male sugar glider and just brought home a 6 mos. old male 2 days ago. There has been some hostility, but right now they are curled up sleeping together. The breeder said that this is normal and would go away as they got used to each other. We do not keep Edgar (oldest) in a cage, but in a large closet with perches, ropes, etc. Since they didn't get along right away, we let Lenny (new glider) sleep in the closet and Edgar has stayed in another room. Edgar sleeps during the day in our bed and Lenny is with him there also. I panicked the first night they didn't get along and e-mailed someone on the internet that does not breed, but has sugar gliders. She said that if neither one are neutered, there will always be problems, and one could even be killed if both kept together where one's urine scent exists. She suggested that I have one neutered, scrub everything, rearrange furnishings and start fresh. Is this possible with a closet? To get the scent completely out, I mean? I have never even heard of neutering a sugar glider and am concerned about my vet (although he sees sugar gliders--just mine I think) having any experience in this area. They seem to be getting along better and its only been 2 days. Should I really be as terrified as I am about putting them together in the closet? Please let me know what you think and thank you in advance.

: Dana

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