
Subject: Re: Introducing new glider: Suggestions or Comments
Posted by sharon on October 19, 1999 at 18:45:29 from

In Reply to: Re: Introducing new glider: Suggestions or Comments posted by TammyH on October 18, 1999 at 16:22:53:

: : Congratulations on your new glider. Believe me if she has a problem with his advances, she'll certainly let him know in no uncertain terms -- just keep an eye on them, if she "let's him know" you may have to break it up. But otherwise, dont sweat it -- Each glider coupling will begin in its own way, some quite and loving, others more agressively on one or both parts -- Just try to be sure he doesnt injure her (you'll know if he's truely hurting her).
: Best wishes,
: TammyH

Any time you put a new glider with another one, they have small skirmishes. As long as there is no bloodshed they should work it out. They may fight, but neither should really hurt the other. Scents in the cage or facility do not really matter, your glider knows the new glider does not have the scent of an accepted packmember yet. Keep an eye on them and if it gets to the point of a real injury, seperate them and try switching their bedding from one cage to the other to get them accustomed to having the scent of eachother around...then try putting them together again in a few may have to try this several times before full acceptance comes about. Also, she is submissive because he is dominating a space he (and thus she) recognizes as his own. Good luck.

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