Subject: Re: Havent played with Mojo today...
Posted by SHARON on October 19, 1999 at 19:23:53 from
In Reply to: Re: Havent played with Mojo today... posted by Ms. Shell on October 13, 1999 at 21:47:29:
: : I think you are doing the right thing. Whenever I am sick I stay away from my babies. I'm lucky tho... hubby takes over. In the case where we have both been sick, I leave them in their cage and take extra precautions making their dinner, such as using those plastic gloves that beauticians use when dying hair. I know it's heartbreaking to see those pitiful faces saying mommy let me out, butit really is for their own good (imho). : So, go make yourself some chicken soup and get better soon! :) : Ms. Shell BEST NOT TO TOUCH HIM WHEN YOU ARE SICK. THE VET TOLD ME THEY CAN CATCH ILLNESSES FROM YOU AS WELL AS GIVE THEM TO YOU....PUT SOMETHING WITH YOUR SCENT IN HIS CAGE AND STAND OUTSIDE THE CAGE AND TALK TO HIM.....
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