Subject: Re: heating
Posted by collette on October 24, 1999 at 12:53:15 from
In Reply to: heating posted by steve on October 23, 1999 at 12:53:41:
: hmm well in my house it isn't really that warm in the winter : usually 66 or 67 degree's. now what should i use to keep my glider : warm? he sleeps more now and he seems almost like he wants : to hybernate. and he is kinda depressed it seems. : but at night around 9 we get him out and hold him till about : 12 or so. he gets enough attention and stuff from us : so i know thats not why. i am thinking because of the cold. : he gets up at like 3 or so in the morning and plays around : in his cage and all. but is there a way i can keep him warm so he : will get up and play earlier and all? : should i make him little clothes? and also is there : a certian kind of mix or food i can give him to make : his fur more shinny and white looking on his cheeks??:) that temperature should be alright. I've read between 50 and 90 is fine. but i have a portable heater i aim at alex's cage when it gets colder. It's the size of a radio and blows warm air like a fan does cool air. I place a blanket around the top and three sides of his cage and aim the heater at the cage. becareful to not let it get to warm. experiment with distances and don't let the heat build up to much under the top of the cage.
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