
Subject: Re: bourbon think you can give some tips and pointers
Posted by Bourbon on November 30, 1999 at 06:16:09 from

In Reply to: bourbon think you can give some tips and pointers posted by Ryan on November 29, 1999 at 22:42:01:

here check out this entire site, It was designed for new and want to be new glider owners. It is the product of a lot of hard work by many different people, who care about gliders. Some of the things seem extreme,however; they have been known to happen, for the downsides, and the what if game, if you are prepared for the worse, and somethings don't happen, that is just that much less to work with. You must understand what you are really getting into, they are very cute. We all can agree on that. They also are very unique pets, with very unique needs. Grow to understand them, before you get them. Be ready for them when you do find the right place. We tell it like it is on SGI, we don't sugar coat anything, which means you will see a lot of the downsides in various places. Be prepared, know in your heart, that this is the kind of commitment you are ready to take on. There is also a list of message bases, many of which have repeat users, meaning they move from board to board trying to help others. So if it seems your question doesn't get answered, it could be because it was answered somewhere else. Ryan the best advice I can give you, is be prepared, and be patient, the right seller will be there when you are ready..Good Luck

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