
Subject: Re: What age will my Sg Glide
Posted by collette on December 08, 1999 at 16:29:13 from

In Reply to: What age will my Sg Glide posted by Tammy on December 08, 1999 at 14:09:25:

: I just got my first glider,and I'm curious as to when if at all he will be old or brave enough to glide from objects,is there anything I can do to help this process along.

be patient, it will glide. hold it on your arm a feet or two away from a towel or cloth shower curtain and it will eventually jump. mine jumps from me to the toilet seat (closed) or to the towels, or to my husband. Place it up high om a shelf and show it your arm a foot or so away. My girl is 4 months and jumped from her cage to me. I don't know when babies learn but I'm sure yours just needs some bonding time and encouragement

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