Subject: Pudding and avocado
Posted by Betsycc on July 11, 1998 at 11:28:48:
This message was posted awhile back that I missed - I'd like to repost it and respond to it now Old Post: Avocados, NO NO NO!!! They are absolutely LOADED WITH FAT. Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows this. There is a product called Lactaid 100. It is yogurt with no Lactose in it. It makes a wonderful SAFE treat and has no artificial sweeteners. I can't find it in our area but several people on the ISGA list use it with great success. First off - IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN THAT GLIDERS ARE LACTOSE INTOLERANT I use pudding and will continue to do so. Do you love your gliders more than I do? I think not. I put a dot of pudding on my finger and my glider licks it off. I do NOT put pudding in the food dishes. It is for taming and bonding only. Secondly, I was the one that posted about using avocado. I used it because I bought a 13 month old glider that was fed nothing but peanut brittle! He would not eat fruits, veggies, chicken, leadbeaters - nothing. I smeared some avocado on the food to get him to eat. And it worked. I do not advise people to feed avocado UNLESS they have a glider that will not eat. I really dislike posts that sound as if the writer were some sort of Glider God. Does anyone on this board eat chocolate? Drink beer or liquor? Smoke cigarettes? Eat spicy foods? Cross the street without using a crosswalk? Talk on a phone during an electrical storm? Etc. . . . All of these are no no's. But they are individual choices. It's part of being an American. Giving dairy products (in moderation) is also a choice. I will continue to recommend that pudding be used to curb biting in gliders and promote licky, loving gliders.
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