
Subject: Re: My first baby
Posted by Anita on December 12, 1999 at 21:06:33 from

In Reply to: Re: My first baby posted by Bourbon on December 12, 1999 at 04:40:48:

Well, I surely appreciate your concern. I convinced the breeder that I could handle this. Please do not harbor any ill feelings torward the breeder. I had researched this and talked to several people who had convinced me that it was okay to bottle feed and care for a baby this young. I certainly understand your point. I can tell you that Pinly is eatingvery well and going potty on her own. There is a chance that she is older than what I was told. I am keeping her warm and feeding her puppy formula. I feed her every two hours and she is very happy to eat. If anyone was wrong here it was me NOT the breeder. Perhaps in my excitement to have a baby I pushed to hard. At this point I do not feel this way. By the way, THANK YOU to all of yo who have encourage me and offered advice along the way. We are just beeginning our journey, I hope it is a long and healthy one. I hope you wish us well. I really love Pinky and only wanted to bond as quickly as possible.: are you in FL? There is a breeder in Fl. thats sells her babies toooo young, they are needed to be kept with their mothers till they wean themselves, the number of people that have gotten gliders especially their first one from breeders that sells them too young is ones that don't survive,. What info did they give you on how to care for this baby, by the time you get this it may already be too late. At that age they must be fed every 2 hours, and this is a must, they must have the proper nutrition, be kept warm, and must be stimulated so they can urinate and deficate on their own. for the experienced glider owner this is very difficult, I can't even imagine how an inexperienced person could do it, and know what to watch for. If fed too quickly, the chances of getting fluids into their lings can cause serious fatal consequences. Contact someone that knows about hand feeding, get their help..Be sure you also keep in contact with the breeder, 10 days oop means their eyes are just now opening or haven't opened either case, if you (as an inexperienced owner) is hand feeding this glider, it is too young. It is breeders like this , that cause unnecessary glider deaths. Mind you if this glider doesn't make it, don't blame yourself. This is strickly on the part of the breeder. NO BREEDER should EVER sell a baby that hasn't been properly weaned.. Something else to keep in mind, if they are USDA licensed, they are NOT allowed to sell them till they are at weaning at, If they are not USDA licensed, they are in direct violation with the law. Either way it is breeders like this that have made it harder on the ethical ones. My prayers are with you, and that baby.. My disgust and anger goes to it's breeder..

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