
Subject: Re: Is this normal?
Posted by Cynthia on December 24, 1999 at 07:47:24 from

In Reply to: Is this normal? posted by Teresa on December 23, 1999 at 13:39:43:

: Anyhow my question is this. Brett, my nuetered male glider, is constantly licking Puddin's, my female gliders butt... She will usually let him for a few seconds but eventually she crabs at him and runs away. What is his problem?

I do not know what his problem is.

Does anyone else have butt lickin gliders.

I have several gliders and one pair that is neutered and I have not seen this behavior in any of mine.

Puddin would appreciate any suggestions on how to get him to stop.

: Teresa, Puddin and Brett

I sympathize with Puddin but do not think that this is anything harmful just annoying to her. She may get her message across if he gets really annoying with it. I think that I would let her discourage him in a way that she deems fit.

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