
Subject: Re: I live in Ca. is there hope
Posted by Nancy on July 17, 1998 at 01:20:52:

In Reply to: I live in Ca. is there hope posted by Dana on July 13, 1998 at 19:31:12:

: Hi
: I'm new to gliders and live in Ca. I wanted to know if there
: is any hope of gliders being legalized or if I should take
: my chances (which I would preffer not do). I live on the Org-
: on California border if that helps at all.
: Thanx
: Dana

Hi just a litlle info for you.... there is a new bill being presented in Shasta County, CA (and I believe other CA counties) where a person is trying to pass a law to uthinize all exotic animals, even those that are legal in CA.. beings you are from CA I would look up this bill and come voting time have all your freinds and family vote against it. And for some hope for you, Ferrets are now legal in CA... they are now being sold at pet shops.. soooooo maybe just maybe there is hope for our beloved litlle critters in the future. Fish and Game says the reason you can not have sugar glidders in Ca is because of the massive rabies that is stilll in CA. ??????? Honestly I would not take chances on having one because if they(fish and game ) find out they can take him or her from you and then wellll I think you get the picture. Maybe in time they will be accepted in CA and if not THERE and some vets in Northern CA that will see your gliders.. good luck and best wishes.....

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