
Subject: Re: My glider destroyed his christmas present! LOL
Posted by mandy on January 01, 19100 at 11:15:18 from

In Reply to: My glider destroyed his christmas present! LOL posted by Melissa on December 29, 1999 at 10:06:56:

: Just thought I'd share a cute story about my glider.
: My daughter and I, a few days before christmas decided to by our glider
: some cat foam balls as a present for christmas. (kinda like the foam they make Nerf balls from)
: They where wrapped and put under our tree christmas eve..but as I couldnt wait to give them to him,
: he got to "unwrap" his present early. As I was helping him to unwrap his present, he started acting weird and
: running up and down my arm, and jumping all over the paper, which I thought was kinda weird..until I saw what happened next!
: As soon as I got the balls out of the package, my glider went nuts! He grabbed the nearest one and then proceeded to tear it to peices!
: At first I laughed and thought it was cute, but then began to wonder what brought on his sudden behavor.
: The foam has a peculuar sent..maybe to him it smells like a male glider..who knows, but it was cute never the less.
: Has anyone else had a similar situation with a christmas gift?

Everyone is talking about this like it is ok. I wouldn't give this to my glider, I would be afraid that they would chew on it, but you all mentioned that and it didn't seem tp be a problem. I guess I have just learned that "nerf" balls and styrofoam are not dangerous for gliders? If so , I may have to try this out as well.
Hope you all had a Happy New Year, Mandy

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