
Subject: Re: HELP!!!!!!
Posted by Dara on January 07, 19100 at 19:23:32 from

In Reply to: Re: HELP!!!!!! posted by Pam on January 07, 19100 at 19:08:33:

: : I know have a flying squirrel, he was rescued from my washer machine. Dont know how he got in there, but he's really sweet. Vet said he's related to the sugarglider family. So if any of you experienced sugarglider handlers please give me some info on nutrition and toys? anything would be useful -Thanks

: Sugar Gliders are not squirrels. Get a new vet. Sugar gliders are Marsupiales and originally came from Australia. They live in colonies up in tress. They live up to 14 years in captivity. If what you have is a sugar glider, you need to feed it a diet of 50% protein and 50% veggies and fruits. I feed mine, three meal worms a day, small amount of scrambled eggs with calcium powder, sliced grapes, melon, pineapple, apple, orange, frozen but defrosted in hot water peas and corn, cooked sweet potato, a peanut a day, brocoli, cooked carrots, a raisin once a week, cooked chicken or turkey, strawberries or what ever berry I can find, most all fresh fruits when in season. Can feed baby food chicken as long as there is no additives or onion. I also give my gliders vitamins everyday. I may have missed somethings. Good luck. I would really find out what you actually have before sticking to any given diet. You should compare what you have with the pictured on this web site. I do not think squirrels eat a diet anything close to a sugar glider. Pam
Well, i know he told me to feed him fruits and bird seed (optional), nuts. His diet is similar to a sugar gliders. Guess i'll have to find a flying squirrel page!

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