
Subject: Re: Crickets, frozen food.
Posted by IrishCreme on January 09, 19100 at 08:53:13 from

In Reply to: Crickets, frozen food. posted by Denis on January 09, 19100 at 03:52:02:

The best way to not have them running around is to hand feed the bugs to your gliders. Other than that, you take a chance that a few may escape.

The freezing of anything does not change its nutritional value at all... but it may change the actual consistancy of the food thats frozen. Not a problem. I freeze a balanced mush for my weaning joeys and gradually thicken the consistancy. It works wonders and eliminates the jump to regular food.
As a side note, my adults also get the mush and they love it. Its especially nice when Im out for the evening and the babysitter is in... the kids do the feeding - and I know its correct and have no worries...

Your vet is probably right. Try to rearrange the food items in your gliders diet... keeping the rule of thumb first. You can mix and match ooodles of things and have a balanced diet, just be sure to compensate.

good luck!

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