
Subject: Re: Could a good home possibly be in a barn?
Posted by Brienna on January 10, 19100 at 01:04:41 from

In Reply to: Could a good home possibly be in a barn? posted by Catherine on January 09, 19100 at 20:52:50:

One thing for certain is the climate cold or hot all year? Sugar gliders need temp's around 68ºto 80º. I have winter degrees where I live and I keep my heat at 72º. It has to be warm. Another is the fear of wild animals. If they have access to the gliders, that would worry me. I personally wouldnt recommend the barn ( or small garage). Please don't take this bad, I mean no judgement what so ever, but I couldn't imagine not being able to walk a few feet from them (meaning with me in my house) and hearing them bark for me and I walk over just to sit with them. I think having them "out of the house" would be too distant. Mine are apart of my family and I would feel like they were chickens in a coop. Like I said, don't take this wrongly. This is my opinion. I wish you luck with your decisions.
: Hello all,
: You guys seem to give very good advice on this page and I was wondering if as many people as possible could give me there thoughts on a barn being a good home for sugar gliders. It's and inclosed barn which has three totally inclosed rooms. One is taken up by saddles and horse tack, another the craft room, and the third empty. We were thinking that we could fix it up into a nice place where we could keep a few so they could keep each other company in the late hours of the night when no one is around. We spend at least 3-4 hours out there each day, and would have plenty of time to be with them. Is it a bad thing to have them out there as long as we spend A LOT of time with them? Is it really important to be inside a home 24-7? Has anyone has any experences like this? Does anyone have any comments? PLEASE HELP!! We would really like it if you would! Thanks so muck :o)

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