
Subject: Re: My baby got hurt
Posted by steve on January 16, 19100 at 11:21:06 from

In Reply to: My baby got hurt posted by Belinda on January 16, 19100 at 09:05:46:

: Anyhow, perhaps someone with
: more glider experience has had or heard of a similar
: situation and might be of some assistance. Hear is what
: happened. The other morning my glider was climbing on
: a parrot cage in our bedroom and somehow he cut or
: punctured the gliding membrane on his right side.
: No blood, No pain, the vet said it was inoperable
: but could in fact be removed at a later date. He(glider)
: has a little piece of skin hangin there.what 2 do????
: Im afraid it will get caught on something and tear
: further, Yet i do not wish to have it cut off either.
: The injury has not affected his attitude, or his
: jumping or gliding ability. If any glidermaniacs have
: some insight i would appreciate it. B
if it hasn't affected his gliding just have it cut off.
not worth the risk of it getting caught and having him panic
or something.

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