
Subject: Re: a way I can give my glider enough calcium
Posted by katie on January 16, 19100 at 22:42:18 from

In Reply to: Re: Breeding information and a way I can give my glider enough calcium posted by Kim on January 16, 19100 at 19:09:07:

Since Kim did such a good job with the breeding topic, I'll see if I can handle the diet question. Calcium AND protein are very important for gliders, breeding and non-breeding alike. Some field studies have shown that gliders in the wild eat about 90% animal protein on average. This is SO much lower than the 25-36% that some people recommend. I feed mine at least 50%, have done so for about a year, and they're the healthiest I've ever seen.
The best calcium source is from crickets and frozen pinky/fuzzy mice. Jill's baby is coming out of pouch right now and she eats a frozen fuzzy every other night in its entirety. This is really important for her health.
You can order live insects and frozen mice/rats off the internet. Please see my post today on "A cheap way to feed your gliders well."
Other protein sources: mazuri primate monkey biscuits soaked in juice. Zoofare if you can get them to eat it. (You can order these things from Pawprint, which is an awsome online store.)The modified leadbeater's recipe with a hunk of tofu thrown in; this is a great way to add calcium and protein.
And be sure you want to devote part of your life to these guys for the next 10-15 years, of course.
I forget if you mentioned the age of your glider. She'll be capable of breeding at 7 months, but you really need to wait until she's a year.
Good Luck!

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